St Giles Orchestra is bringing better and better concerts and more ambitious programmes to our audiences in the local, music-loving community. Better concerts, and exciting musical partnerships do however cost money, and we have to cover essential costs. These include concert and rehearsal venue hire, hire of sets of sheet music and soloists' fees.
In addition to income from member subscriptions and concert admissions, our orchestra relies, like other ambitious orchestras, on donations from private and commercial sources. St Giles Orchestra is a non-profit-making organisation, and its role in the local arts and music community is recognised in its charitable status (Registered Charity no 1109439).
To facilitate the orchestra's development, we have three schemes designed for the benefit of audiences, friends and relations of orchestra members - 'Friend', 'Patron' and 'Benefactor'.
Membership categories and pricing for the new scheme are as follows:
Membership Category Price (per annum) Ticket Entitlement
Friend - Individual £40 per person One ticket for each concert
Friend - Individual Concession* £38 per person One ticket for each concert
*students, over 60s, unwaged
For those who would like to support the SGO with a larger donation, we have two further options:
Membership Category Price (per annum) Ticket Entitlement
Patron Donation of £100 One ticket for each concert
Benefactor Donation of £200 Two tickets for each concert
Support from Patrons and Benefactors is gratefully received and will be acknowledged in the concert programme.
We want to continue developing the orchestra, allowing our audiences to enjoy new and exciting programmes and soloists, while at the same time coping with the rising costs of putting on concerts.
To achieve this, we are always looking to increase the number of Friends, Patrons and Benefactors. If the orchestra has brought you enjoyment, and you feel able to contribute to the orchestra's future development, we would like to ask you to consider supporting us by joining this scheme.
Please become a Friend, Patron or Benefactor now by completing the application form below (please print and post):
Thank you for supporting St Giles Orchestra.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
If you are a business or organisation, please see our separate information on corporate sponsorship packages and benefits.